Use of LC-MS/MS Technique for Quantitative Analysis of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Dietary Supplements and Foods
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) are a class of toxic natural compounds found in various plant species worldwide. Many PAs have been identified as contaminants in tea, dried herbs, and herbal dietary supplements. The presence of PAs in these products is mainly associated with co-harvest of PA-containing weeds. Considering PA are genotoxic carcinogens to humans, maximum levels have been set by the European Commission in Regulation 2020/2040 for a number of commodities. This talk will cover challenges and pitfalls encountered in quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis of PAs. Results generated during optimization experiments and validation of an LC-MS/MS method in a wide range of matrices will be presented.
Key Learning Objectives/What attendees will learn:
- Information on pyrrolizidine alkaloids and contamination of dietary supplements and ingredients including applicable legislation.
- Overview of pitfalls and challenges that need to be addressed in quantitative pyrrolizidine alkaloid analysis.
- Summary of experiments and results collected during optimization and validation of internal LC-MS/MS method.
Who Should Attend: food testing lab personnel, researchers and regulators interested in pyrrolizidine alkaloid testing.